Tag Archives: SNL

Genuine Music and Genuine Soul

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (assuming you’re not Patrick Star that is), you should know that Harry Styles is kicking ass in the music industry.

He’s making a mark, his own mark with music influenced from what he enjoys listening to and what he would listen to.

“Sign of The Times” has been out since a couple weeks ago and just recently on Saturday Night Live (SNL) he debuted another song called “Ever Since New York” which I have to say might be even better than the “Sign Of The Times” track.

I’m writing this simply to let you know that Styles is worth listening to whether with old or young ears, it’s a new vibe that isn’t electronic or auto-tuned to the hilt– it’s fresh, new, and genuine from the artist.

Music like this, is music that will never go out of style.

Also, I have to add that Jimmy Fallon and Styles were Amazing on SNL. Amazing with a capital “A.” Both are hilarious, both are talented AF, and both do something to me heart I can’t describe besides make it smile.



P.S. I watched Moana for the first time EVER last night (finally!), and that Disney movie is fantastic. Go watch it if you haven’t, just go. ❤

Also, The photo on the SNL set I believe was taken by Rosalind O’Connor (who’s amazing, at least from what I’ve seen over on SNL’S Facebook page. 🙂



Harry Styles and Jimmy Fallon will be gracing SNL on APRIL 15.


YES, April 15.

I am ready, not sure about you all but for me my heart has never pounded so fast because I LOVE them both.

Of course, Jimmy has been on SNL since 1998, we all should know this by now. 🙂

Styles has only ever met Fallon once in December 2015, technically twice if you really want to consider Kristen Wiig dressing up as him for “an interview” with Fallon back in February 2014.

It’s going to be beautiful and “authentic” according to the CEO of Sony music.

If you’re unsure of what is meant by authentic-or laughing the description- my interpretation is simply for it being meant to sound and feel genuine.

Harry has always been seen as a genuine, goofy, lovable guy who isn’t overbearing or too mundane, he’s more chill. He sort of goes with the flow, and is into classics such as Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t she Lovely” which some may remember from the X-factor.

Anyone who loves Stevie Wonder and Motown music in general is already sweet to me.

Because we’ve only seen the short clip with a bit of piano, it seems like the song will be a ballad and sound pure and not auto-tuned to the hilt or decked out with beats, which seems to be in quite a bit of music these days.

I for one, am super excited because this sounds like it will be right up my alley, right up my style, and has a yellow-brick road right to my flipping heart already being paved.

My question to you is: Are you excited for the song from Styles or more the SNL show with Styles and Fallon?

